Thursday, February 17, 2011

How To Write Your Resume or CV

Lola scrie-mi mai multe despre amintirile tale din Sighet. Cu drag Olga
Enjoy my presentation:

The Calcium That Mystifies Me


Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by porous and fragile bones. It affects 44 million Americans, striking 1 in 3 women, and 1 in 5 men. Those with osteoporosis are at increased risk of height loss, fractures of the hips, wrists and vertebrae, and chronic pain.
If you've been led to believe that the key to preventing osteoporosis is increasing your calcium intake and starting on a regimen of pharmaceutical drugs, you're not alone.
I'm here to lead you past all of the confusing and conflicting information about osteoporosis and down a safer, more effective road to preventing bone loss and osteoporosis.
Read on to learn the truth about osteoporosis and calcium deficiency, what vitamins can make a real difference, and the surprising connection between bone loss and Alzheimer's disease.
The Truth about Osteoporosis and Calcium Deficiency
I'm sure you've heard that the cause of osteoporosis and the key to its prevention revolve around calcium, right?
Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth.
Dr. Robert Thompson, M.D., wrote an entire book on this subject called, The Calcium Lie, which explains that bone is comprised of at least a dozen minerals and the exclusive focus on calcium supplementation is likely to worsen bone density and increase your risk of developing osteoporosis!
As mentioned in this previous article, Dr. Thompson recommends the use of unprocessed salt as a far healthier alternative to calcium supplementation.
I recommend using Himalayan salt as it is an excellent way to feed your body the trace minerals it needs to function optimally.
Why Sally Field Could be Setting Herself Up for Osteoporosis with Boniva
If you've been prescribed an osteoporosis drug such as Fosamax, Actonel or Boniva, it is very important that you understand how these drugs work before putting them into your body.
Web MD describes biphosphonate drugs as:
"…antiresorptive medicines, which means they slow or stop the natural process that dissolves bone tissue, resulting in maintained or increased bone density and strength."
I'm sorry to say, you're only getting half the story here. Using these types of pharmaceutical drugs is the worst way to attempt to treat or prevent osteoporosis and I'll tell you why.
Even though they will increase your bone density, these drugs are poison!
They work by killing off certain cells in your bones called osteoclasts. Osteoclasts destroy the bone as part of the natural bone regeneration process. Killing off these cells means you are left with only osteoblasts, which will increase bone density but not bone strength.
As a result, your bones lose their natural ability to build new bone and readjust to the constantly changing forces applied.
Now you have thicker bones with less strength, which actually increases your risk of bone fractures. Additionally, these drugs have been linked to some terrible side effects, including increased risk of ulcers and:
Eye problems such as blurry vision, pain and swelling
Thigh bone fractures and osteonecrosis of the jaw
Liver damage and renal (kidney) failure
Atrial fibrillation
Esophageal cancer
Hypocalcemia (blood calcium levels are too low)
Another disturbing fact?
Fosomax is in the same chemical class (phosphonate) as the soap scum cleaner you use in your bathroom! I'm sorry to say, it isn't surprising that the pharmaceutical companies have never put that little tidbit of information on your prescription drug label.
Steer Clear of Steroids
According to a study done at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, there is a strong link between osteoporosis and the use of steroids:
"High-dose cortisone is the second most common cause of osteoporosis, and we currently have no real treatment for this serious side effect," says senior author Steven L. Teitelbaum, M.D., Messing Professor of Pathology and Immunology.
"Given how frequently these drugs are used to treat many different conditions, that's a major clinical problem."
The conclusion of the study revealed that although the steroid cortisone appears to inhibit the ability of osteoclasts to dismantle old bones in genetically normal mice, the inability of the skeletal structure to renew itself may cause bones to weaken dramatically from aging and stress.
If you suffer from an autoimmune disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, multiple sclerosis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, click on the links above for natural alternatives for healing.
On the other hand there is one steroid hormone that will likely help build bone and that is progesterone. Many pre and post menopausal women are deficient in this important hormone.
Gluten Intolerance and Bone Loss
Is your stomach often upset?
Chronic gas, nausea, bloating, diarrhea, constipation and brain fog could all be signs of an undiagnosed gluten intolerance.
Gluten is a protein found in grains such as wheat, rye and barley. According to statistics from the University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center, an average of one out of every 133 otherwise healthy people in the United States suffer from celiac disease (CD) but previous studies have found this number could be as high as 1 in 33 in at-risk populations.
Those with undiagnosed gluten intolerance often have malabsorption of nutrients due to chronic intestinal damage. This means that your body is unable to optimally take nutrients from food and distribute them throughout your body.
This malabsorption of nutrients can lead to osteoporosis.
If you often experience the above-mentioned symptoms, a gluten free diet may be the key you need to experience great health, perhaps for the first time in your life.
My book, The No Grain Diet, explains, in detail, the damaging health effects of sugars and grains, even to those who do not have a gluten intolerance.
Other Foods that Lead to Bone Loss
Processed and fast foods are the worst stuff you can put into your body. In order for your body to function optimally, it needs the type of balanced diet that I suggest in the next section.
Processed foods such as potato chips, french fries, microwaveable "meals", soda and candy contain very little nutrients and are chock full of undigestible fats and dangerous additives such as high fructose corn syrup, aspartame and preservatives.
If you think switching from a mainly processed food diet to a healthy, nutritious one will be next to impossible, I'm here to tell you it's easier than you think. In my previous article, I explain how to wean yourself off processed foods in 7 easy steps and how to give your body what it's really craving.
When cooking, I advise you to avoid most all omega-6 based oils such as corn, safflower or soy oil. These oils are loaded with highly processed, damaged omega 6 fats, which contribute to inflammation in your body.
Instead, I recommend using healthful olive- and coconut oils. For more information, see my video on the health benefits of these oils.
Foods that Prevent Bone Loss
I recommend eating a wide variety of organic, preferably locally grown vegetables to get a proper balance of essential vitamins and minerals into your body. An easy way to increase the amount of vegetables in your diet is vegetable juicing.
It is a highly effective way to obtain the most potent nutrition and it's easy for your body to digest and absorb.
Remember, it is important that you eat according to your nutritional type because the diet that works for one person may not work for another. Take a moment to take my FREE nutritional typing test to help determine your nutritional type, and the type of foods that are ideal for your personal biochemistry. We used to charge $29 to take this test but it was so important we decided to now offer it at no charge.
One important food that has been shown to help decrease bone loss and osteoporosis is onions. As I mentioned in my previous article, a study done on the effect of onions on laboratory rats proved promising.
Prevent Bone Loss with Appropriate Sunshine Exposure
The health benefits of vitamin D cannot be overstressed. An alarming number of people in the United States are vitamin D deficient, and vitamin D deficiency can lead to a host of health problems, including osteoporosis.
Despite what you may have heard, appropriate sunshine exposure is not bad for you. It is healthy and necessary. Just 15 to 20 minutes of sun exposure per day can make a dramatic improvement in your health, and appropriate sun exposure is the ideal way to maintain your vitamin D levels in the optimal range. Alternatively, you can use a safe tanning bed.
However, if neither of those options are available to you, the next option is to take an oral vitamin D3 supplement. Typical adult doses for vitamin D range from 5 to 10,000 units per day.
Keep in mind that it is very important to get your vitamin D levels checked by a qualified lab (I recommend LabCorp) to avoid under- or overdosing.
An optimal blood level of vitamin D for a healthy adult is between 50-70 ng/ml.
The Importance of Omega-3 for Strong, Healthy Bones
Omega 3 is another essential nutrient your body needs in order to prevent both physical and mental illness, inflammation and osteoporosis. As I mentioned in a previous article, The British Journal of Nutrition recently published a study stating that the Omega fat, DHA appears to constitute marrow and enhance bone mineral content.
Unfortunately, omega-3 deficiency is on the rise and has been revealed as the sixth biggest killer of Americans. It has been reported to increase risk of death from ALL causes and accelerate cognitive decline.
While plant-based omega-3 fats such as those found in flax seed are highly beneficial, on account of their high alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) content, animal-based omega-3 fats contain two crucial ingredients you are not getting from plants: docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).
Ideally, you would receive all the animal based omega-3's you would need from eating sea food. Unfortunately, industrial pollution has changed the landscape, turning most of the world's waters more or less toxic. Fish are now loaded with mercury, industrial toxins, PCBs and PDEs. The same goes for most of the oil that is made from these fish.
Thankfully, there is a sustainable source of animal-based omega-3 fats available, namely krill oil. Krill are very tiny shrimp-like creatures that exceed the number of all animals (including humans) in the world! Krill oil is also more readily absorbed than fish oil because krill fat is attached to phosphates. This means you need far less krill oil than you would fish.
Another bonus?
Krill oil contains antioxidants called astaxanthin that protect DHA and EPA fats until they are consumed.
These factors make krill oil the optimal choice to meet your omega-3 needs.
Vitamin K2 is CRUCIAL in Preventing Osteoporosis
Vitamin K can be classified as either K1 or K2:
Vitamin K1: Found in green vegetables, K1 goes directly to your liver and helps you maintain a healthy blood clotting system. (This is the kind of K that infants need to help prevent a serious bleeding disorder.) It is also vitamin K1 that keeps your own blood vessels from calcifying, and helps your bones retain calcium and develop the right crystalline structure.
Vitamin K2: Bacteria produce this type of vitamin K. It is present in high quantities in your gut, but unfortunately is not absorbed from there and passes out in your stool. K2 goes straight to vessel walls, bones, and tissues other than your liver. It is present in fermented foods, particularly cheese and the Japanese food natto, which is by far the richest source of K2.
Vitamin K2 can convert to K1 in your body, but there are some problems with this, which I will discuss shortly. As a supplement, K1 is less expensive, which is why it's the form used for neonates.
Making matters even more complex, there are several different forms of vitamin K2.
MK8 and MK9 come primarily from dairy products. MK4 and MK7 are the two most significant forms of K2, and act very differently in your body:
MK4 is a synthetic product, very similar to vitamin K1, and your body is capable of converting K1 into MK4. However, MK4 has a very short half-life of about one hour, making it a poor candidate as a dietary supplement. After reaching your intestines, it remains mostly in your liver, where it is useful in synthesizing blood-clotting factors.
MK7 is a newer agent with more practical applications because it stays in your body longer; its half-life is three days, meaning you have a much better chance of building up a consistent blood level, compared to MK4 or K1. 

MK7 is extracted from the Japanese fermented soy product called natto. You could actually get loads of MK7 from consuming natto as it is relatively inexpensive, and is available in most Asian food markets. Few people, however, care for it's smell and slimy texture and find it difficult to tolerate.
The evidence suggests that vitamin K2 is essential for your bone health, but it is a nutrient the vast majority of you do not get in adequate amounts from your diet.
How does vitamin K lead to bone health?
Osteocalcin is a protein produced by your osteoblasts (cells responsible for bone formation), and is utilized within the bone as an integral part of the bone-forming process. However, osteocalcin must be "carboxylated" before it can be effective. Vitamin K functions as a cofactor for the enzyme that catalyzes the carboxylation of osteocalcin.
Vitamin K2 has been found to be a far more effective "activator" of osteocalcin than K1.
There has been some remarkable research about the protective effects of vitamin K2 against osteoporosis:
A number of Japanese trials have shown that vitamin K2 completely reverses bone loss and in some cases even increases bone mass in people with osteoporosis .
The pooled evidence of seven Japanese trials show that vitamin K2 supplementation produces a 60 percent reduction in vertebral fractures and an 80 percent reduction in hip and other non-vertebral fractures .
Researchers in the Netherlands showed that vitamin K2 is three times more effective than vitamin K1 in raising osteocalcin, which controls the building of bone.
Although your body can convert K1 into K2, studies show that the amount of K2 produced by this process alone is insufficient. Even if you are consuming enough K1, your body uses most of it to make clotting factors, leaving little remaining for your bones.
In other words, your liver preferentially uses vitamin K1 to activate clotting factors, while most of your other tissues preferentially use K2.
Vitamin K2 has also been found to offer you other benefits—besides your bones!
Vitamin K2 is the biological glue that plugs calcium into your bone matrix. Dietary sources of K2 can be found in traditionally fermented foods such as tempeh, miso, natto and soy sauce..
Are You Getting Enough Vitamin K from Your Diet?
Eating lots of green vegetables will increase your vitamin K1 levels naturally, especially:
Collard greens
Brussels sprouts
You can obtain all the K2 you'll need (about 200 micrograms) by eating 15 grams of natto daily, which is half an ounce. However, natto is generally not pleasing to the Westerner's palate, so the next best thing is a vitamin K2 supplement.
But remember, you must always take your vitamin K supplement with fat since it is fat-soluble and won't be absorbed without it.
Although the exact dosing is yet to be determined, Dr. Vermeer recommends between 45 mcg and 185 mcg daily for adults. You must use caution on the higher doses if you take anticoagulants, but if you are generally healthy and not on these types of medications, I suggest 150 mcg daily.
Fortunately, you don't need to worry about overdosing on K2—people have been given a thousand-fold "overdose" over the course of three years, showing no adverse reactions (i.e., no increased clotting tendencies).
Exercise to Prevent Bone Loss
Remember that bone is living tissue that requires regular physical activity in order to renew and rebuild itself.
Peak bone mass is achieved in adulthood and then begins a slow decline. Exercise is very important in maintaining healthy bone mass. Weight-bearing exercise is one of the most effective remedies against osteoporosis. The last thing you want to consider is to take a drug to improve your bone density, as without question, that is more likely to cause long-term harm than benefit.
Your bones are actually very porous and soft, and as you get older, your bones can easily become less dense and hence, more brittle. Especially if you are inactive.
Resistance training can combat this effect because as you put more tension on your muscles it puts more pressure on your bones, which then respond by continuously creating fresh, new bone.
In addition, as you build more muscle, and make the muscle that you already have stronger, you also put more constant pressure on your bones.
A good weight bearing exercise to incorporate into your routine (depending on your current level of fitness, of course) is a walking lunge, as it helps build bone density in your hips, even without any additional weights. However there is newer technology as discussed below that may even be better.
Discover Acceleration Training
Acceleration training exercise is based on Rhythmic Neuromuscular Stimulation (RNS) dating back to the 1960s when Professor W. Biermann, from the former East German Republic, described 'cyclical vibrations' capable of improving the condition of your joints relatively quickly.
As the theories of acceleration training exercise developed, Russian ballet dancers with minor muscle injuries such as Achilles tendonitis discovered that vibration aided the healing process. They also found that their muscular strength and jump height increased with only a quarter of the effort or time required by traditional training methods.
Since then many athletes have discovered the benefits of acceleration training exercise.
These results can be achieved now by using the 'Power Plate', which combines a series of exercises and stretches with cyclical vibrations designed to prevent mineral bone loss by adding mechanical load to the bone via the muscle and tendons.
Osteoporosis in Men
Here is something about osteoporosis in men you may not have realized: Men over the age of 50 are at greater risk for developing osteoporosis than prostate cancer. Men develop this disease because of a condition called hypogonadism, which may lead to shrinking by several inches. Risk factors in men include:
Gastrointestinal disorders
Sedentary lifestyle
Lack of sunlight exposure
Men with pre-existing conditions such as asthma, emphysema, Crohn's disease, herniated disks, and autoimmune disease taking steroids such as prednisone or cortisone are increasing their risk of developing osteoporosis that much further.
The Surprising Link Between Alzheimer's Disease and Bone Loss
As I mentioned in a previous article, low bone mass has a surprising connection to Alzheimer's disease.
In the study, researchers recorded bone mass measurements for 987 men and women with an average age of 76 years. They then followed them for up to 13 years and tracked who developed Alzheimer's or dementia.
Results showed that women with the lowest bone mass measurements were more than twice as likely to develop Alzheimer's or dementia as women with stronger bones.
If a woman of 70 years of age has lower bone mass, it means her exposure to estrogen may not have been as high as it should. Therefore, it seems estrogen loss plays a critical role in the development of osteoporosis as well as Alzheimer's disease.
It's Far Easier to Prevent Bone Loss than to Treat It
It's true what Benjamin Franklin said, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Now that you're armed with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about the prevention and healing of osteoporosis, you're ready to take control of your health!
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For many decades, scientists have noticed an extraordinary link between the length of your ring and index fingers and a plethora of apparently unrelated traits.
Evidence is growing that this 'digit ratio' effect is real. Recently, strong evidence has emerged that men whose index fingers are longer than their ring fingers are significantly less likely to develop prostate cancer.
To work out the ratio of your fingers, measure the distance from the midpoint of the lowest crease at the base of the finger to the very tip -- the fingernail does not count.
A long index finger correlates strongly with a lower risk of early heart disease and, in women, a higher risk of breast cancer and greater fertility. People with relatively long index fingers are also more likely to suffer from schizophrenia, allergies, eczema and hay fever.
The Daily Mail reports:
"... [A] short index finger relative to the ring finger ... correlates with higher male fertility and sperm counts, higher levels of aggression and increased aptitude for both sport and music ... [D]igit ratio ... [correlates to] more than 100 psychological traits and propensities to ­various illnesses."
The Daily Mail December 6, 2010

Dr. Mercola's Comments:

The length of your index finger relative to your ring finger may reveal some interesting clues about your health and personality.
Your 2D:4D digit ratio refers to the ratio of the length of your index finger (digit 2) and ring finger (digit 4). According to Digit Ratio: A Pointer to Fertility, Behavior, and Health by developmental biologist Dr. John Manning, who has been studying this issue for more than two decades, generally a man's index finger is about 96 percent the length of his ring finger, giving a "low" ratio of .96.
Women generally have a "high" digit ratio of 1.00, as their index fingers and ring fingers tend to be nearly the same length.
So far, the research shows that your digit ratio may give you clues to more than 100 psychological traits and illness risks.
What Does Your Digit Ratio Reveal?
To measure your digit ratio, measure from the lowest crease at the base of your index and ring fingers to the fleshy tip (when looking at your palm).
A high 2D:4D ratio (longer index finger) has been linked to a lower risk of prostate cancer and higher risk of early heart disease in men and greater fertility and breast cancer risks in women.
A low ratio (shorter index finger) signals greater fertility and aggression in men, along with an increased propensity toward sports or playing a musical instrument. Women with a low ratio are also more likely to be aggressive.
What's behind these apparent links?
Research by Manning and others suggests that greater exposure to testosterone in the womb increases the chances of having a more "masculine" hand, i.e. one with a shorter index finger. This testosterone exposure is also thought to be responsible for the range of traits associated with a low 2D:4D ratio, such as greater aggression and risk-taking behavior.
Higher estrogen exposure in the womb, meanwhile, may lead to a longer index finger, or high 2D:4D ratio, and estrogen exposure is also linked to breast cancer and heart disease risk.
Remember -- You Have the Ultimate Control Over Your Genetic Destiny
There is some compelling research showing that exposure to less than ideal hormone concentrations during critical developmental stages may alter not only the length of your fingers but also your personality and risk of developing certain diseases.
But there is a danger in resigning yourself to the fact that you are going to die early or act a certain way as a result of your genes predetermining your health. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth, as you have ultimate control over your genetic expression.
The new field of epigenetics has shown that the choice of which of your genes are "expressed," or activated, is strongly affected by environmental influences.
It is actually the cell's membrane -- operating in response to environmental signals picked up by the membrane's receptors -- that control the "reading" of the genes inside. And your actions, lifestyle and even your thoughts make up these "environmental signals."
In other words, no matter what hand (or finger length) you were dealt at birth, you can take steps to "activate" the disease-busting, health-boosting genes and suppress those that will cause you harm. This is evidenced perhaps most clearly by identical twins, who start out with the exact same genetic code … but end up very different.
Epigenetic "malleability" helps to explain why identical twins become distinct as they age. As you age, your genome does not change but your epigenome changes dramatically, especially during critical periods of life, such as adolescence. It is influenced by physical and emotional stresses -- how you respond to everything that happens in your environment, from climate change to childhood abuse.
You do not manifest disease merely by a defective gene, but by your epigenome. Epigenetic therapy, which is essentially the curing of disease by epigenetic manipulation, involves changing the instructions to your cells -- reactivating desirable genes and deactivating undesirable ones. This emerging field, now in its infancy, may represent the future of medicine.
You can begin to do this on your own, long before you manifest a disease, by encouraging your genes to express positive, disease-fighting behaviors in the first place by leading a healthy lifestyle.
To get started, please read through my comprehensive nutrition plan, which will give you tips and tools for eating healthy, dealing with stress and living a lifestyle that will support your epigenetic health, regardless of whether you were born with a high or low 2D-4D ratio.

Related Links:
Can You Measure Your Heart Attack Risks With Your Tiny Finger?

The Fat Secret to Build Your Bone Density2/17/11

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Biografia Olgai

Olga Andrei's Blog: Reproductive Barriers in Romania & Mexico

Reproductive Barriers in Romania & Mexico

Reproductive Justice; Intersectionality iin Mexico and Romania

Reproductive Justice and Women’s Rights in Mexico
By Dr. Olga M. Lazin-Andrei
UCLA Visiting Scholar, History

The goal of this paper is to define and advance the concept of reproductive justice and its application in lives of women in the real world, especially in Mexico.
So what exactly is reproductive justice?
Reproductive justice is a fundamental right.
Generally, it is defined as a broad understanding of what people from all backgrounds need to enjoy fully: the right to be informed, the right to have control over their reproductive lives and to be supported in their decisions to have a child, to not have a child, or to raise the children they have.
What unites us transglobal activists is to promote reproductive justice and eliminate the residues of the global gag rule instituted by G. W. Bush.
Our goal is that of confronting deeply entrenched structural inequalities that impede women’s ability to make their own reproductive decisions and exercise this control.
In this paper I am going to provide some context on the cutting edge discovery of genes in Biology that some scientists claim are linked to a host of strange behaviors like crime and early preoccupation for sexual activity.
In Mexico, this type of research has given the public new reasons to blame low-income communities of color for their own poverty and disempowerment.
Societal barriers like racism and sexism are the real culprits to the erosion of self-determination and opportunity for women. The undercurrent racism that can be noticed in the “Work offered’ ads (newspapers), and billboards, are constant reminders of these stereotypes Mexican society is perpetuating.
Mexico’s total population exceeds ninety two million people. Of those, over half are women and fifteen percent of those women are illiterate. It is amazing then, in a country where women number more than half the inhabitants, that services, education, employment and human rights, where concerned with the welfare of women, are at their lowest level. The use of contraception, while on the rise, still has much to gain in terms of popularity and acceptance in Mexico. If women are aware of contraception, it is unlikely the men in their lives – husbands, politicians, doctors, lawyers, church officials – will allow the use of it.
Condom use in men is even harder to track. The infamous machista culture of Mexican men is hard to erode even in the twenty-first century.
In fact, during his 1999 visit, the Pope, who stated prior to his visit his belief that defense of human dignity is essential for world peace - he called it the foundation, did not discuss the failure of Mexico to meet basic human rights for women in the area of reproductive health. It is such dismissal and disregard that allows the continuing degradation, inequality, and deaths of women.
Mexico’s abortion rights have been characterized as “strictly for the books.” (Farmer). Although abortion is illegal in Mexico, most Mexican states establish criteria allowing abortions without fear of penalty. These criteria, which vary by state, include unintentional abortion or that caused by negligence, pregnancies caused by rape or non-consensual insemination, and medical necessity to save the life or health of the woman. One state goes so far as to allow abortion for serious economic reasons as long as the woman already has three children. Even with these exclusions from abortion as a crime, the reality in terms of obtaining an abortion is harsh. Doctors, who are punished for performing abortions and therefore usually abstain from them, are not trained. Those that have some training frequently do not keep up to date with new medical findings.
Consider the case of Paulina, fourteen, from Mexico D. F. Raped by a burglar, it was legal for her to receive an abortion. Supported by her mother Maria Elena, she went to the hospital for the procedure. Once admitted, the hospital allowed anti-abortion extremists to see her and show her graphic videos of abortions. This did not stop Paulina from moving forward however, the doctors at the hospital conscientiously objected to performing the procedure. Paulina and Maria Elena appealed to the Attorney General to enforce the law and instead, he took them to see a Catholic priest. The priest advised Paulina, a 14 year-old who had been raped and then became pregnant, that abortion was a sin. No mention was made of the sin that had been visited upon Paulina through the rape and subsequent pregnancy. Paulina pressed on and the Attorney General eventually signed an order for the abortion. Once again Paulina and Maria Elena went to the hospital, order in hand. Once again, they were dissuaded by staffers from the abortion. The hospital director over-emphasized the risks of the procedure and this time it worked. Paulina did not have the abortion and carried her child to term. Following her failed abortion attempts, two Mexican women’s rights groups filed lawsuits on her behalf. Epikeia and GIRE (Information Group on Reproductive Choice) filed criminal and civil charges. These groups also took the case to the State Human Rights Director who forwarded the case to the National Human Rights Commission for a determination regarding potential violations of Paulina’s human rights.
In this example, the entire system failed Paulina. While there were laws in place, lawyers, doctors, priests, and society conspired to disallow Paulina her legal option. Law, interpretation of that law, enforcement, and prevailing attitudes, impact abortion services. In a country where women number more than half the population, they have minimal impact on reproductive rights. Given what it takes to obtain an abortion under legal circumstances, it is believable when we see statistics that tell us of the 1.7 million abortions per year in Mexico, 850 thousand are induced. Statistics further show that abortion is between the third or fourth cause of death and between the second to fourth causes of hospitalization in Mexico.
While abortion is illegal in Mexico, the threat of prosecution is usually only a threat. But if one is caught, it is a lifelong stigma.
A research study in 1992 in Mexico City determined that of 600 women inmates in the Tepepan jail, only one had been convicted of provoking an abortion. She was 81 years old, nearly blind, and an alternative health care worker. (Martinez)
As this case illustrates, there is minimal prosecution of the offenders. In fact, corruption ensures little prosecution. A woman pays the equivalent of approximately 1,000 U.S. dollars to secure her release from any charges that are brought (it is called the amparo, that is the Mexican habeas corpus law). It is no wonder abortion, while illegal, continues to flourish outside the mainstream of health care providers and procedures. Even the government speaks from both sides of its mouth, “Abortion is illegal, a sin, and punishable; pay up!”
The threat of prosecution does its part in keeping abortion out of the mainstream and therefore unavailable to those except the very wealthy. Women living in poverty who choose abortion are very unlikely to be able to obtain one. If they are successful in their quest, they are likely to die for their efforts. Poor women do not have the luxury of pristine medical conditions or trained practitioners therefore; their chances of surviving their abortion are greatly reduced. This is of course assuming they are able to locate services in the first place. In 1993, fifty nine percent of women in Mexico lacked access to legal medical services. (Martinez)
Only starting in 2007, The Procuradoria general, allowed passage of an abortion law but only for the city of Mexico D. F. (the capital of Mexico, which is made up of approximately 23 million people.
The Mexican health care system is sub-divided into many sectors including the salaried sector (social security), state sector (open to all), and the private sector consisting of many layers. All of these factions serve to create confusion, under-coverage and a lack of resources. Following the World Summit for Children in 1990, Mexico did create programs aimed at pregnant women however; contraception and abortion are still not on the table. Instead of looking at how to limit childbirth, which is what many women desire, the country has taken steps to improve care for pregnant women. While this is a positive move, it does leave one asking the questions, “What happens once the child is delivered and pregnancy complete? What programs are in place to ensure growth and provide opportunities for the child that has just entered the world?”
In the United States, we have once again determined what is appropriate for individuals in other countries. It seems our “assistance” is never without strings. During the Regan Administration, the U. S. enacted the Mexico City Policy prohibiting receipt of United States’ funds by Non Governmental Organizations (NGO) supporting abortions. It made in no difference the NGOs were supporting abortions in compliance with the legal limitations of their own country and with their own funds. The fact that made the difference was that they were supporting abortions. Once again, the U.S. became the world’s morality police. This policy ended in 1993 during the Clinton Administration, but a continuing attack was waged within Congress to restrict funding to NGOs similar to the policy Clinton had ended. Congress was successful in 1999 when it struck a deal with Clinton resulting in the Global Gag Rule however, the intent was it would be in effect for only one year. The current Bush Administration, as it panders to the right wing political structure, has maintained the Global Gag Rule forbidding foreign aid to NGOs using their own money to fund or promote abortion as a method of family planning. It should be noted that “family planning” is loosely defined. This policy censors speech that promotes human rights law reform in that it bars NGOs from speaking freely regarding abortion law reformation. These organizations cannot express views contrary to that of the Unites States government, cannot organize a debate, publish factual information, testify before or give briefings to Congress, attend or speak publicly at United Nations conferences. (CRLP)
Gagging these organizations only serves to further ensure their countries remain a “step below” without adequate representation, access to health care and human rights legislations and protections. Most importantly, what this country does to NGOs is inconsistent with the Constitutional principles we hold in such high esteem in the United States.
The United States is therefore limiting “free speech, democratic participation, and reproductive autonomy.” (CRLP)
The United States, until recently, when Barrack Obama came to power, has been programmatically depriving women of equal participation and recognition in the societies of the third world. The first action that Obama took in 2009 was to repeal the Global Gag rule, for which women are very grateful.
Abortion in Mexico is really now an option; unfortunately women have to travel afar to the federal District in order to get one.
B. Use of Contraception in Mexico is more probable, but the statistics reflect that nearly fifteen percent of women, who may find contraception useful, are unaware of it or have no monetary means to obtain it.
Mexican society demonstrates little regard for contraception. Although the government outwardly continues to take an active role in promoting smaller families, the reality is that most men feel that applies to everyone but them. Large families are a sign of prestige and success. In reality, they are a sign of a society that does not value the input of women or the rights of women. This is not to say that all large families are a burden on society or a result of inadequate women’s rights. It is to say that should be a conscious choice that all make – both men and women. Mexico has made it illegal to obtain an abortion since Carlos S. de Gortari. Women die from self-induced abortions every day, a few are imprisoned, and corruption is rampant.
It is time to reconsider the paradigm. If abortion were not illegal, it would continue to be performed sanitarily, as it is today, but only in Mexico City.
This is an indication how highly centralized Mexican legislation still is. All administrative, and juridical power derives from the center, at the detriment of women living in the other 31 states of Mexico.
The only difference would be a society that supported its women through viable health care, access to options, hygienic abortions, and the removal of the shame.
We are not born equal (with men) and Women do not get pregnant alone.

Tags; transglobal activism, reproduction, justice, abortion, machismo, Mexico, contraception, condom.
Us, women:


Center for Reproductive Law & Policy. “The Bush Global Gag Rule. A Violation of
International Human Rights and the U.S. Constitution.” July 2001. Web-site.
Farmer, Ann. “In Mexico, Abortion Rights Strictly for the Books.” Reproductive
Freedom News. Vol. 81, No. 6. June 2000.

Martinez, Katherine Hall, Bartolone, Alison-Marie, Rayas, Lucia (CRLP) and Rayas,
Lucia, Giacoman, Claudia, and Herrera, Julieta (GIRE). “Women’s
Reproductive Rights in Mexico: A Shadow Report.” December 1997.
CRLP web-site.

McConahay, Mary Jo. “Mexico’s Population Planners Walk a Fine Line to Reach Their
Goal. Pacific News Service, JINN, on-line. January 22, 1999.

Rahman, Anika, Katzive, Laura, and Henshaw, Stanley K. “A Global Review of Laws on Induced Abortion, 1985-1997.” June 1998. CRLP web-site.

Senate Record Vote Analysis. “Foreign Population Aid & Abortion”, (Mexico City Policy) Passage.” 105th Congress, 1st Session, February 25, 1997.
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My ex-classmate:

Monday, January 11, 2010

Today's Activity

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Merci din suflet draga Olga si iti doresc noapte buna ! si scuza ma ca te-am tot deranjat , merci encore pupici Elis.
Zoltan vorbeste franceza,engleza,romina,maghiara,spaniola,germana si italiana un pic,chiar si ceva coreana caci a fost 1 an in Corea de S, de a predat engleza acolo

From: "Dr. Olga ANDREI"
Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2010 10:58 PM
To: "elisabeta matei"
Subject: Zoltan, ia legatura cu Paty Arroyo, Re: Deci, o clarificare,

Ii fac legatura cu D-na Patricia Lopez. In Spaniola doar si Engleza, nu stie maghiara.
Explica-i stituatia si fixati un meeting pe cand mergi in Guadalajara. E fff. influenta si cunoaste despre legislatie.
Con carino,


Olga Lazin
UCLA Visiting Scholar
PROFMEX Director of World Programs

P.S. Here is a complimentary copy of my 2007 book:

Dezinformatia din sighetonline;

Stimate colege,
Stimati colegi,
Invitatie colocviu si lansare carte (Târgului de Carte Feria de Libros de Guadalajara),(autor), Vineri, 27 noiembrie 2009, in Guadalajara ,Ora 13,00.

Pentru detalii va invitam sa consultati materialul anexat (atasat).

Acuzatie directa Lia:


2010 post

1st post this year.

Find vasile dialog, in NY.
2. Go to Barcelona with Lia.